Your personal information (including name, contact number and email address) is being collected by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) to provide you with the services you request through this account.
I consent to the QRIC disclosing my personal information to and obtaining information in relation to a bet or bets I place (in my own capacity or on behalf of any other person) from any entity operating:
- A totalisator operator in Australia or elsewhere;
- A bookmaker licensed to operate in Australia or elsewhere, including corporate bookmakers;
- A betting exchange (licensed or unlicensed) operating in Australia or elsewhere.
I understand that any entity that provides information to the QRIC in compliance with a request made by QRIC does so with my consent and is not breaching the
Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) or any other State or Commonwealth legislation concerning the protection of information concerning my personal affairs, in complying with the request by the QRIC.
I am aware and understand that it is an offence under section 214 of the RIA for me to knowingly make a false statement in an application for a licence. Subject to a maximum penalty of 200 penalty units or 2 years’ imprisonment.