Greyhound licences

What are the different types of greyhound breeder licences?

Licences for greyhound breeders have changed recently.  You can find out more about the new breeder licence categories on the QRIC website: 

What if I don't meet the pre-requisites for the trainer class I want to apply for?

Contact QRIC R&L Staff and discuss the matter with them before you apply for a licence you are not meeting the requirements for.

What is the animal welfare statutory declaration?

The animal welfare statutory declaration is a declaration made once by any participant who wants to be licenced or registered within Queensland, or wants to race Greyhounds within the state of Queensland.  
If you apply for a licence and you have not already completed the statutory declaration, you will be prompted to complete it in order to finish your application.

What happens after I submit an application?

Once all provided documentation is verified, your application might be forwarded to the Integrity Investigation Team (IIT) to arrange a kennel inspection if required.  A member of the IIT will contact you to arrange a time to conduct inspections.  
Once premises are deemed satisfactory, applications will proceed to approvaland finalised.  The timeframe associated with this process can range from 2-5 weeks.

Am I automatically registered as an owner when I am licensed as a trainer?

No, you need to apply separately to become a registered owner.

I am having trouble completing the written assessment, where can I seek assistance?

Please refer to the Greyhound Australasian National Rules, and the Racing Queensland Local Rules for assistance to answer these questions.  

The rules can be found on the Racing Queensland website here:

Can I nominate or place greyhounds under my care once I have submitted a trainer's application?

No, you are not a licenced participant until you receive official notification from the Commission that your licence has been approved.

Do I have to complete the Racing Queensland training course if I have been previously licensed as a greyhound trainer?

It is a requirement to complete the training course to apply for any type of greyhound trainer's licence.  If you have previously provided a Statement of Attainment, you will not be required to complete the course again.

For further information about the training course, please contact the Racing Queensland Training Department on 07 3869 9781 or email

Please note additional fees apply for this training course.